Blog Post ELEVEN
It is crazy to think the role technology has on our lives. Technology allows us to communicate with fiends and family, spread and learn news and allows us to do many other things. I believe technology is a lot smarter than we think it may be though. Viral marketing is similar to the idea that the computer knows what you are looking at; therefore if you watch baseball videos all day, an ad for an autographed baseball may come up. Technology allows us to share videos and pictures almost instantly. Marketers jumped on the technology train fast with the rise the use of social media. Marketing has taken a new role in social media due to being able to share videos and pictures so fast. Facebook went from adding friends and families and seeing what is happening with Danny’s dog to an advertisement after every post. This way of advertising is, in my opinion, the most efficient way to advertise to a mass group of people. Facebook gets me sometimes because it seems to know the things I want and know the things I am interested in. Over time I think technology is becoming more intelligent and will probably take over the world one day.