Blog Post NINE
Reading chapter nine made me realize that I might have a hard time with project three even though project two was pretty hard as well. With project one and two I went through multiple people for revision but I still didn’t do as well as I had hoped. I will go through even more people for revision for project two and three if I don’t receive a satisfactory grade. I will always use resources available to me so I am turning in the best version of my work as possible. I still am a little fuzzy on project three and chapter nine helped a little bit. Choosing a genre may be difficult because there seems to be so many to choose from! Chapter nine has a few examples that I can always refer back to if I cant find enough genres. I have many ideas for project three I just don’t know which to use and which is in the best direction. I hope to be able to decide by the end of the following class to assure I can get revision and finish the project with time to spare.