Blog Post EIGHT
When we write essays, very rarely do we have an original thought. With billions of people on the planet, and original thought is few and far between. We would not want someone to take credit for our work so why would we take credit for someone else’s work? Plagiarism is something that gives people bad juju if they intentionally steal someone’s work. Students must learn to site sources properly even if summarizing or paraphrasing. It is not an original thought even though you are putting the sentence in a different structure. No teacher should take points off if you site someone’s work. If you are unsure whether to site a source or not, you should just site it. Florida State has a strict policy on plagiarism. To avoid plagiarism in our upcoming project two we should all take notes and make sure to document where the notes came from to assure a proper source and site. Even if a person doesn’t use the source’s exact words, they should still site where they got the information. Again, the idea isn’t original so therefore you must site your source. No one wants the bad juju especially in college.