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Blog Post THREE

Ch.5 "Exploring Topics and Creating a Research Proposal"

After reading and assessing chapter 5 I realized the thing I struggle with the most while writing papers. Over the years I have learned how scatter brained I am. Sticking to one topic while writing a paper is the hardest rule for me to follow. I have allowed my topic to be too broad and allowed too many ideas to flow on to my paper so my essay becomes incoherent. The article discuses that you first must pick a topic, and then choose a more specific area in that topic. I don’t think I’ve allowed myself to find a strong enough topic to write single handedly on. I should consider asking myself if I can write a strong enough argument about my topic. A few writing exercises I have researched that would help me in this area would be putting my topic on top of my paper in bold. From there I should create several bullet points on the sub topics I would like to discuss. I should first learn to create the bones of the essay and then add the fat. Making sure I can write an essay on a single topic is important before I just let my mind go to work. Have to love being scatter brained!


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